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Explore: Quantifying Religious Experience Research Study

How intense are your spiritual or religious experiences compared to those of other people? How unusual are they? How memorable? How emotional? The aim of this project is to measure many aspects of religious and spiritual experiences so that we can meaningfully compare them. The study is open to everyone.

Below are the surveys and questionnaires belonging to this research study. If you have agreed to participate, your goal should be to work your way through the steps. We'll hold your scores and your personalized feedback for you, so you can come back and see your graphs at any time.

Here is the procedure to follow.

  • Step 1: Register on this site in order to access the surveys. Remember your login details so that you can see your results later. If you are already registered on this site, just log in.
  • Step 2: Enroll for this particular research study. This is important: if you are an invited participant, someone might have given you a special participant ID#; if so, this is the place to enter it.
  • Step 3: This is the required part: sharing a religious or spiritual experience and answering questions about it. Answer all items in each survey with proper care and frankness because this is important for validity of results.
  • Step 4: This is the optional part: sharing a very ordinary, not-religious, not-spiritual, and not-intense experience, and then answering questions about it. It might seem weird but this part of our study helps us create a baseline for interpreting intense religious or spiritual experiences.
  • Afterwards, explore your feedback. Each survey will give you feedback to explain your results. You may not be able to spend time thinking about that information while you are taking the various surveys. But you can log in again at any time to retrieve your feedback and learn about yourself by reading through it.
  • Take other surveys on this site at any time. All of the other surveys on ExploringMyReligion.org are available to you at any time from the Explore page.

Remember that your results are confidential and that we carefully protect your privacy.


You are currently a "guest" user which means that you can take our surveys, but you will not be able to return to this site and see your scores at later times after this session. If you would like to save your scores to view later, please register. If you already have an ExploringMyReligion.org account, please login and we will merge your current data with your previous data.

Step Study Date Taken My Results Link About This Study
Step 1 Register on this Site Please Login
or Register

Registration is necessary for us to record your survey data and for you to see feedback on the studies you take.
Step 2 Enroll for this Study No Results YetPlease Register to Take Study
Enrolling tells us that you want to participate in this study.

Invited participants who have been given a special participant ID number will enter that here.
Step 3 Religious and Spiritual Experiences No Results YetPlease Register to Take Study
How do your spiritual experiences compare with others?

Tell us about one of your religious or spiritual experiences. Narrate the experience, answer questions about it, and receive thought-provoking feedback.
Step 4 Hood Mysticism Scale No Results YetPlease Register to Take Study
What are your tendencies to mystical experience?

This survey assesses your tendency to mystical experience along several dimensions.
Step 5 Dimensions of Spirituality Inventory No Results YetPlease Register to Take Study
What aspects of spirituality are important to you?

This survey helps you find out about the various dimensions of spirituality.
Step 6 Daily Spiritual Experiences Scale No Results YetPlease Register to Take Study
What is your daily spiritual life like?

This survey helps you learn more about your everyday spiritual experiences.
Step 7 Big 5 Personality Scale No Results YetPlease Register to Take Study
How do you score on the five major aspects of personality?

This survey helps you understand your personality style.
Step 8 Mystical Orientation Scale No Results YetPlease Register to Take Study
How oriented are you to mystical experiences?

This survey tells you about your mystical orientation in seven dimensions of mysticism.
Step 9 Multidimensional Religious Ideology Scale No Results YetPlease Register to Take Study
How do you score on a variety of religious dimensions of religious belief and practice?

This survey gives you a multidimensional profile of your liberalism or conservatism.
Step 10 Religious Experience Episodes Measure No Results YetPlease Register to Take Study
What typical religious or spiritual experiences do you tend to have?

This survey help you find out about your typical religious or spiritual experiences.
Step 11 Ordinary Experiences in Depth No Results YetPlease Register to Take Study
Help build a baseline for comparison.

This survey creates a baseline for comparison with spiritual experiences. We'll ask you to share an ordinary experience, neither religious, nor spiritual, nor existentially intense.
Step 12 Index of Core Spiritual Experiences No Results YetPlease Register to Take Study
What are your tendencies to mystical experience?

This survey assesses your tendency to mystical experience along several dimensions.
Step 13 Hood Mysticism Scale Revised No Results YetPlease Register to Take Study
How important in your life are spiritual experiences?

This survey assesses your tendency to mystical experience along several dimensions.
Step 14 Religious and Spiritual Identification Survey No Results YetPlease Register to Take Study
What is your religious or spiritual identity?

This survey helps you explore your religious or spiritual identity.


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